Archive for the ‘Motivation’ Category

Tiga Inspirasi dari Tiger Woods

Posted: July 23, 2009 in Motivation

“To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you!” – Tony Dorsett –

Salah satu atlet dunia pujaan adalah Eldrick ‘Tiger’ Woods. Bukan saja secara skills, dia luar biasa di lapangan, tetapi dalam dirinya pun terdapat prinsip-prinsip yang membuatnya patut diteladani. Bahkan mengenai Tiger Woods, pemain basket terkenal Michael Jordan pernah berujar, “I really do believe Tiger Woods was put here for a bigger reason than just to play golf. I don’t think that he is a god, but I do believe that he was sent by One.”
